Friday, June 3, 2011


Work, school, comic, sleep, eat, shower, walk dog. That's about it, folks. Oh, I DID get my license back after about two years of not having it. Yesterday I went to the city I owed the money to and paid em 1110.00. Yep. Lot of money. Then I went to the DMV and paid THEM another hundred bucks. Now I have a paper license, and am waiting for the plastic one to come in the mail in the next thirty days. I can't wait! I drove to work today for the first time in months. It felt good to have that independence again. Ah, the comic. For a while there I was starting to lose the comic creating need, but I found it again when I started using new paper and the comics look better than ever! So don't worry, you three people who read it, it's not gonna stop anytime soon. I already have the next issue planned out. Well, an idea for it. Okay, where it's set. But I'll figure the rest out soon.

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